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Jumat, 28 November 2008

Thailand's political crisis

Bangkok, FRIDAY, anti-government protester Thailand stated that they will last "until death". However, police have started moving into Suvarnabhumi Airport, Friday (28/11), and ordered to immediately protester out of the airport, or will follow.

"All the protester must leave the location of protests. If not, law enforcement officers will take the necessary action to overcome the problem. All parties that violate the law will be charged with criminal cases, "said a police through the speakers.

Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat oust Thailand's National Police Chief General Pacharawat Wongsuwan failed to act because the protester. Originally police said the protester willing to negotiate, but the leader of the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) that drives protests that will not negotiating with the government.

PAD states will use the human shield if the police disperse them by force. "We will not go away. We will use the human shield against the police if they tried to disperse us, "said Suriyasai Katasila, spokesman PAD.

Entering the fourth day at Suvarnabhumi Airport, Friday, protester expand the area and blocked all access to the airport. They put barbed wire barricade up to 3 kilometers far from the airport. They also install a barrier in the road toll road to the main airport.

The young black berjaket closed the half with a face mask to stop all vehicles on the roads through it and check passengers.

"We are not afraid. We will fight until death. We will not surrender and we are ready, "said Somsak Kosaisuk, a PAD leader.

100 trapped Indonesian Citizens

At least 4,000 occupiers protester Suvarnabhumi Airport and approximately 2,500 control protester Don Muang Airport. Actions that make the flight total paralysis and tens of thousands of passengers deserted.

In Jakarta, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Teuku Faizasyah State, Friday, said, it is estimated that 100 U.S. citizens trapped in Thailand and can not return to Indonesia following the occupation at the Suvarnabhumi Airport.

"RI Representatives in Thailand has ensured that the airline will provide compensation accommodation (passenger origin to Indonesia) until there is clarity," said Faiza.

A number of airline passengers began to flee their exit from Thailand through Pangkalan Air U Ta Pao, 140 kilometers southeast of Bangkok, Friday. However, the air base is not adequate to accommodate the overflow passengers Suvarnabhumi Airport, which reached 100,000 people per day. Air base U Ta Pao only able to accommodate 400 people.

PM Somchai Wongsawat, Thursday night, imposed the emergency in the area around Suvarnabhumi Airport. However, police and military not to take action.

PM Somchai remain in Chiang Mai, 700 kilometers north of Bangkok, for safety. In a speech on television, Somchai said, Thailand's economy is driven by exports and tourism can not be disturbed.

ASEAN Secretary General Surin Pitsuwan to Thailand, Friday, to determine whether Thailand can still host the ASEAN High Level Conference. (ap / fro) Read More..

Candidates for leader of the Garden

At the book-Tibr al-Masbuk fi Nashihah al-flown, Al-liters to give advice to the leaders with 10 basic advice. First, leaders must know the position of power and importance. Indeed, power is part of God's favor. Anyone with the power to run properly, then he will have no blissfulness a peerless, and there is no happiness that exceed it. Who is negligent and does not properly enforce the power, then he will get the punishment because kufur to God. "Justice leaders one day more than worship God loved seventy years" Messenger of heat.
Second, always covet and theologian tip of the advice they are eager to listen. Be careful with the theologian who loves the world. They will memperdayaimu, kerelaanmu seek to get what is in the form of hand things are bad and they are forbidden to get something with the makers and guile. Berilmu is that people who do not want wealth, and who always memberimu sermon and advice. Umar bin Abdul Aziz said Ka'ab Muhammad ibn al-Qurzhi "See to me about justice." He said "Getting a Muslim from older age, make as parents. Who are the young people from age, make as a child. Who are the same age, make brethren. Hukumlah each of the error rate in accordance with the law. One exhortation to the Muslims because kebencianmu, mengantarkanmu to be in Hell. "
Third, do not feel satisfied with getting along that do not have tyranny. More than that, didiklah helpers, friends, and pegwai the wakilmu. Do not stay silent to see their ruthlessness, karsesungguhnya you will be asked about their wrong deeds sebagana will be asked about the act zalimmu. Umar bin Kaththab write a letter to subordinates, namely Abu Musa al-Asy'ary as follows: "Sngguhnya representatives of the most representative is happy that people feel happier Indeed, representatives of the most wretched of the representatives of the people in the most miserable circumstances. Therefore, mudahkanlah for bawahanmu will follow perilakumu. Perumpamaanmu is to see animals such as green grass, then eat in the number of banyhingga fat. Kegemukannya appeared to bring the accident because it makes him and been eaten human. "
Fourth, most of the representatives are arrogant. One of kesombongannya is when angry, he will pass sentence. Dander is preposterous things that destroy an enemy and disease understanding. Dander is a quarter destruction. If mendominasimu anger, then you should incline to the nature and organization back to the noble nature. If it becomes kebiasaanmu, then you have Learning of the prophets and the Aulia. If you make a habit of exasperation, then you similar with wild animals. From Abu Darda 'r.a. said "Yes Messenger, suatuamalan show to me that I will enter into heaven. Rasullah said "Do not be angry, you will enter Paradise."
Fifth, indeed, in any event befalling yourself, you must imagine that you are one of the people, while other than yourself is a leader. Thus, what you do not Rida for yourself, nor will diridhai by a Muslim. If you meridhai them in what you do not ridhai for yourself, you mean to deceive and betray bawahanmu. "Who wants to survivors of the fire is hot and enter heaven, it must - when death comes to him with the testimony lisannya. Each ridhai that he is not for himself, then no one from the Muslim nation meridhainya. "
Sixth, Do not underrate those who have needs that are waiting in front of pintumu. Exercise careful against them. When one of the Muslims have against the needs, so do not even give them as busy with worship-worship sunnh. Because, to meet the needs of various Muslim nation is more than fulfilled the main religious worship-Sunnah. One day, Umar bin Abdul Aziz berbagaiebutuhan meet people. He then sat menyandar because of fatigue after the entry to his house for the rest eliminate fatigue. Children and said to him, "What has made father feel safe while death can come at this time, while at the same time father at the door there are people who need to wait while the father even ignore their rights?". Umar bin Abdul Aziz said, "You right!". So, when it also rose Umar and go to majelisnya.
Seventh, do not make yourself look busy as the desire of various greatness or want to wear eating delicious food. However, you should behave qana'ah (in the balance treasure, not extravagant and not niggardly) for the whole thing. Because, there will be no justice without qana'ah nature. Umar bin Kaththab asked Salih to a "Do you see something in myself that you hate?". People said, "I hear that you have put bread on the menja makanmu, and you have two clothes, one used for day and night for one more day. Is there something more than that? ". Umar replied "No". The man said, "By Allah, these two will not be forever."
Eighth, indeed you, if able to do business with each loving and kelemah lembutan, then do not do with the violence and abusive behavior. "People of Paradise are three: First, people who have the legal authority that is fair and bersodaqoh to poor people, always obedient to God. Second, a gentle heart and full of affection towards relatives. Third, people who hold sholeh himself from matters kharom, have a family, but love does not encourage the family to do the forbidden.
Ninth, you must be working seriously to reach for the light rakyatmu ways in accordance with sharia. "The best of my Ummah is the people who love you, and you love them. And a bad my Ummah is the people melaknat you, and you melaknat their "heat Messenger.
Tenth, do not search for a human light through the ways that contradict with sharia. Who are angry because of a violation of sharia, it is not good to bring danger. Mu'awiyah she write a letter to r.a. to provide advice with a brief advice. So, she wrote: I heard the Messenger of Allah said "Anyone who seek God's light, although the human tempered him, then God will Rida him, as will human Rida him. Anyone looking for people with light doors way of Allah, Allah will anger him, as all creatures will be angry to him. " Ten main Al-liters advice is advice for prospective leaders of the Garden. Read More..

A weapon Ampuh Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs are a good leader must have a soul. The success of an organization or company, is determined by their leaders. The center circle of leadership is communication. Communication is an art or a way to convey something, so that people understand us. "Communication is the most important skills in life. We spend most of the time we wake up to communicate "said Stephen R. Covey. In solving the problem subordinate, we tend to rush in to fix things with good advice. But often we experience a failure, especially failure in taking the time to diagnose the problem to truly understand the depth of the problem first. We usually try to predict intelligibility. Most people do not hear with the intention to Understanding Your but to hear their answer. They were prepared to speak, filter everything through the paradigm of their own, to read their autobiographies in the lives of other people. To try to understand first, we need a change of paradigm, which is not easy. We have been taught since the small talk, read and write. We are not taught, how good to hear that. Hear there are several levels, ranging from trying not listen, ostensible hear, hear only the part that we enjoy it, listening with full attention and active listening hears is the active center of communication. Read More..

Kamis, 13 November 2008

The Business of Education

Many complained that to open a business opportunity is not there. This is a classic complaint that can not be with us again. Indeed, to start a business we can do with a variety of ways, one with the education that we have.
Jerry Yang and David Filo, the founders of Yahoo start a business with education. They are students from Stanford University. Yahoo started from the back parking lots is now growing rapidly. Jerry Yang and David Filo started the business from small and simple. Jerry Yang describes the discovery that Yahoo is "an accident" when he and Filo tesisnya complete. Filo and that this launch Yahoo when they sit in the universities, before they complete studies. They start doing business with the listing several web sites that they like and write some software that allows a website to get other web sites that will be placed on a web portal called. At the time established in 1994, named Terry's Guide To The World Wide Web. When they know that their sites visited by people from 90 countries, spontaneously say "Yahoo" and finally the words that are used to name their company. In 1999, Yahoo reach star status. Net income in quadruplicate fourth quarter of 57.6 million dollars, while revenue jump from 91 million dollars into 201 million dollars. Now, Yahoo is the best portal in 2002. Read More..

Best Business University

Harvard University, was selected as the best business school world. Nevertheless, Harvard University still get criticism from a businessman who had invited a guest lecturer at Harvard University. Lecturers are McCormack, with reveal what is not taught at the School of Business (Harvard University). Why not taught? Because Harvard lecturer can not be taught. It is not taught creativity and innovation.
There are schools that can teach not only creativity and innovation, but to teach people with the ability to complete. The school teaches the human as the sons of Adam, the man who is able to control themselves from excessive food and drink, dress, and intend to drive excessive and that overcharge. Humans are not greedy.
The school also teaches people to become basyar, namely people who have the ability to maintain jasmaninya and I remain healthy and fit. Physical like a machine that continuously work. To keep these machines work well with the need to be durable and properly maintained. Psychiatric like rhythm machines work. Both must become a cohesive and harmonious.
These schools to make students become human, the people have a remarkable ability to think, so that knowledge can menyeral exceptional, including knowledge of the business. Opportunities tend on the side of the people who are trained, not just use logic, but the rally with intuition. If the logic symbolized the sun, the intuition is a month. Both are crucial in a business that should be owned by a man who titled.
These schools to make students become annas, namely that students can mingle with superiors, subordinates with a colleague with the good. Secret cooperation is communication. Communication is true only be achieved if able to understand the meaning, words and communication we perasaaan opponent. We must understand our opponent's speech, and after that we understood by our opponents to speak.
The school can also make the students with a abdun, namely that students have the ability to serve God with good, as a weapon was found Pamungkas trial or difficulty. Schools that can improve the spiritual intelligence. Intelligence and spiritual intelligence to make rational and emotional intelligence to become more effective. And the school makes this perfect human, or a perfect man. Schools can overcome Harvard University, the school even without the best competitor in the world is called Fasting Ramadan. Read More..

Kamis, 06 November 2008


Dream is something that we imagine when we sleep, dream is to see something in the bed or imagine an event that may not be obtained. According to the ck prahala dream is a source of energy that a power mmenggerakan organization.

Founder Jeff Bezoz initially only an ordinary book stores. He dreamed of a time perusahaanya can control 20% of the world market, which adapted from the name of the river amazone that mmenguasai 20% of the water world. Then he takes steps to open a website in 1995. Starting from a book store and spread to the regular CD sales (Compact Disk) and thousands of entertainment products, and now amazone. Com become one of the best online stores in the world.

Biil gates is the founder of Microsoft, which is the largest company operating system that controls the sale of 93% of the market in the world. In the beginning, he only dreamed sutu computer can run Windows, the operating system he created the first MS-Dos and evolved into a version of Windows 95 'and the last windows have released the latest version of the Windows version 7.
Read More..


Differences in the failed and successful people fail is that he never fall no success, but people fall so he will rise again from the decline. Failure means not ends, but will give us new experiences Daan menjadika us stronger.
I called a friend xxx ambitions to be a state apparatus (TNI / Police Headquarter). After he graduated from Junior mendaaftarkan to society in the navy, but he failed, for the second time he failed, he eventually register as the police, the first test pass it successfully, but pass the second successful test in Houston, he failed to make him frustrated and had thought of it must be forgotten in a dream, but when there is good news that there apendaftaran TNI but he recommended to register at the Pulai maksar sulawesi. Finally, he would go along and in aadiknya to try luck in macassar. After several months he then successfully entered the test, had failed during the in-bred, he made valuable lesson not to fail again and he became a successful Army.
From the illustration above can be obtained disimpulakan that success does not reverse the palms. We must fight for the dreams we have and must find a failure before success. Read More..

Selasa, 04 November 2008

Strategy To Failure

Anthony Robbins in the book Unlimited Power, said that most people in our culture be programmed to be afraid to fail. Actually, we all want something but never get another. We all have failed the test, suffering in love that makes the frustration is not successful, menyususn business plan, which then failed. The results of the word "that digunan successful people, they do not see failure. They do not believe in failure. That did not count them.
People always get a successful outcome. Success super-success of our culture is not who does not fail, but people who know that they try something and do not get what they want, they get a learning experience. They use what they have learned and try something different course. They take new actions and produce new results. Abraham Lincoln is not the most experienced failure of at least 11 before becoming president. Asa Candler buyer the right packaging of Coca-Cola had failed to market the drink in the soda factory in 1899. Steve Jobs did not license the Macintosh operating system to other parties into the operating system fails to control the world, which is now held by Microsoft, Steve Jobs even had its own didepak from Apple. Akio Morita of Sony had also failed because they did not like the Betamax video melesensikan better than VHS made Matshushita. Sekarng video is VHS, because Matshushita would license the technology to other parties. Warren Bennis from Xerox had failed because they decided not to sell the PC, Xerox has the technology better than the other. Henry Ford failed in producing and marketing the ships and aircraft compared with producing and marketing the car. Soichiro Honda that is known about other people's success is only 1% of the failing 99% of people who are not known.
One of the assets useful today than yesterday is the experience of the day. People who fear will fail to behave is not something that may not be effective. This prevents them from taking action that can actually ensure the achievement of their desire. People who believe in the almost guaranteed failure is unavoidable presence. Failure is something that does not matter dipersepsikan by the people who achieve greatness. They are not intended by the failure. They do not invest emotionally-negative emotions to something that is not effective. But surely there is no failure, but the results are not in accordance with what we want. Read More..

As abstinence end

I say "Welcome" to you who never experienced failure, the failure of both spears, the failure to reach a job that you desire-idamkan or failure in the building business. Because you can learn from the failure. For example, Colonel Sanders, before reaching success as an Entrepreneur Fied Kentucky Chicken Fry Chicken of the largest and best in the world, should be through the failure of times in 1018 to sell waralabanya Each failure. He is viewed as part of the study, then fix what causes people to fail or do not want to buy waralabanya and do not blame people who do not want to buy.
In 1019 to the new times, some people want to buy franchises of Kentucky Fried Chicken. He was born 9 September 1890 and achieve new success after the age of 65 years. Hartland Colonel Sanders eventually became the symbol of entrepreneurship. Now Kentucky Fried Chicken, there are more than 80 countries worldwide. Reaching the success that, like climb stairs. The higher we Climb the stairs, the higher the level of our success. But most of the stairs before the turn of the last, their despair and stop climb stairs and surrendered. We did not know in which household. Is that early in the household. In the middle of the stairs? Or on the last. Only God the Almighty Tahu. Only with abstinence despair, we will be the last nursing ladder
Kaya instrument company leader, Kevin Levy using the principles of justice when the company is experiencing difficulties. He said in a meeting "on this day, I want the employee salary cut of 10%, but because I get a salary palig large, then cut my salary 20%." Outside of those who attended the alleged meeting is not to become pemotongsn complain because it, but they agreed jiustru Daan employees still work hard. Employees are not moral decline, but in fact going to increase sharply their leaders mengguakan principles of justice. Read More..

Senin, 03 November 2008

learning from failure

Failure is a label that often we connect with an action that is not successful, and so applied, the label is to make people who said we could not afford. This is the spirit lower our people to become successful. At the moment we are still small, the failure does not have meaning, because we do not have the concept of "failure". If we have the concept of failure, then we will not be able to speak, will not be able to write and will not be running. Due to speak, write and walk through failure that must be incalculable amount. Similarly in the business world can also emulate a failure in our infancy and we can learn from the failure.

Coca-Cola experienced a failure in the first year of sales. Sales made by Coca-Cola beverages in place in the front desk and spend 73.96 dollars to the campaign through banner ads and coupons. Failure to make the Coca-Cola to create awareness of other media, the mass media, which have more strength disbanding other media at that time and promote Coca-Cola with the atmosphere of merriment.

Matsushita accounted for the first time is a plug adapter. This adapter has indeed diusulkannya to her employer earlier but did not get a response. To create this product, along with four Matsushita i take four months. Once the product is so, it appeared that no one would buy this product.

In 1993, Compaq, which at the time as the sale of the PC market leaders, through cutting the price to rival Dell. The result Dell Computer suffer losses 65 million dollars in the first six months, which caused almost bankrupt. Dell to learn from failure. He tried to find other ways to sell computers. Dell eventually make a very fundamental change in business process re-engineering that is called. in the business introduce the E-Commerce. In 1999, Dell can sell 1.7 million dollars per day through the site E-Commercnya. Dell shares rose 2,000 percent in two years. Dell is able to compete with world-class companies such as IBM, Compaq, HP, and Bell-NEC. Even the market share and profits continue to increase and eventually become the largest PC seller in the world.

When I started the business with friends, I experienced repeated failure of the back. I started with the failure of a book salesman, salesmen telex by phone, and car salesmen pengkilap materials. Primagama that only get 2 students in this campaign has been doing quite frequently. CV. Wijaya, the company that serves the car care services, which eventually die. Similarly start a business center computer education "IMKI", only 3 students and AMIKOM trusted by only 6 students. I'm with friends to try to learn from failure, and then make corrections and fix mecoba to achieve success Read More..