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Kamis, 06 November 2008


Dream is something that we imagine when we sleep, dream is to see something in the bed or imagine an event that may not be obtained. According to the ck prahala dream is a source of energy that a power mmenggerakan organization.

Founder Jeff Bezoz initially only an ordinary book stores. He dreamed of a time perusahaanya can control 20% of the world market, which adapted from the name of the river amazone that mmenguasai 20% of the water world. Then he takes steps to open a website in 1995. Starting from a book store and spread to the regular CD sales (Compact Disk) and thousands of entertainment products, and now amazone. Com become one of the best online stores in the world.

Biil gates is the founder of Microsoft, which is the largest company operating system that controls the sale of 93% of the market in the world. In the beginning, he only dreamed sutu computer can run Windows, the operating system he created the first MS-Dos and evolved into a version of Windows 95 'and the last windows have released the latest version of the Windows version 7.

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