At the book-Tibr al-Masbuk fi Nashihah al-flown, Al-liters to give advice to the leaders with 10 basic advice. First, leaders must know the position of power and importance. Indeed, power is part of God's favor. Anyone with the power to run properly, then he will have no blissfulness a peerless, and there is no happiness that exceed it. Who is negligent and does not properly enforce the power, then he will get the punishment because kufur to God. "Justice leaders one day more than worship God loved seventy years" Messenger of heat.
Second, always covet and theologian tip of the advice they are eager to listen. Be careful with the theologian who loves the world. They will memperdayaimu, kerelaanmu seek to get what is in the form of hand things are bad and they are forbidden to get something with the makers and guile. Berilmu is that people who do not want wealth, and who always memberimu sermon and advice. Umar bin Abdul Aziz said Ka'ab Muhammad ibn al-Qurzhi "See to me about justice." He said "Getting a Muslim from older age, make as parents. Who are the young people from age, make as a child. Who are the same age, make brethren. Hukumlah each of the error rate in accordance with the law. One exhortation to the Muslims because kebencianmu, mengantarkanmu to be in Hell. "
Third, do not feel satisfied with getting along that do not have tyranny. More than that, didiklah helpers, friends, and pegwai the wakilmu. Do not stay silent to see their ruthlessness, karsesungguhnya you will be asked about their wrong deeds sebagana will be asked about the act zalimmu. Umar bin Kaththab write a letter to subordinates, namely Abu Musa al-Asy'ary as follows: "Sngguhnya representatives of the most representative is happy that people feel happier Indeed, representatives of the most wretched of the representatives of the people in the most miserable circumstances. Therefore, mudahkanlah for bawahanmu will follow perilakumu. Perumpamaanmu is to see animals such as green grass, then eat in the number of banyhingga fat. Kegemukannya appeared to bring the accident because it makes him and been eaten human. "
Fourth, most of the representatives are arrogant. One of kesombongannya is when angry, he will pass sentence. Dander is preposterous things that destroy an enemy and disease understanding. Dander is a quarter destruction. If mendominasimu anger, then you should incline to the nature and organization back to the noble nature. If it becomes kebiasaanmu, then you have Learning of the prophets and the Aulia. If you make a habit of exasperation, then you similar with wild animals. From Abu Darda 'r.a. said "Yes Messenger, suatuamalan show to me that I will enter into heaven. Rasullah said "Do not be angry, you will enter Paradise."
Fifth, indeed, in any event befalling yourself, you must imagine that you are one of the people, while other than yourself is a leader. Thus, what you do not Rida for yourself, nor will diridhai by a Muslim. If you meridhai them in what you do not ridhai for yourself, you mean to deceive and betray bawahanmu. "Who wants to survivors of the fire is hot and enter heaven, it must - when death comes to him with the testimony lisannya. Each ridhai that he is not for himself, then no one from the Muslim nation meridhainya. "
Sixth, Do not underrate those who have needs that are waiting in front of pintumu. Exercise careful against them. When one of the Muslims have against the needs, so do not even give them as busy with worship-worship sunnh. Because, to meet the needs of various Muslim nation is more than fulfilled the main religious worship-Sunnah. One day, Umar bin Abdul Aziz berbagaiebutuhan meet people. He then sat menyandar because of fatigue after the entry to his house for the rest eliminate fatigue. Children and said to him, "What has made father feel safe while death can come at this time, while at the same time father at the door there are people who need to wait while the father even ignore their rights?". Umar bin Abdul Aziz said, "You right!". So, when it also rose Umar and go to majelisnya.
Seventh, do not make yourself look busy as the desire of various greatness or want to wear eating delicious food. However, you should behave qana'ah (in the balance treasure, not extravagant and not niggardly) for the whole thing. Because, there will be no justice without qana'ah nature. Umar bin Kaththab asked Salih to a "Do you see something in myself that you hate?". People said, "I hear that you have put bread on the menja makanmu, and you have two clothes, one used for day and night for one more day. Is there something more than that? ". Umar replied "No". The man said, "By Allah, these two will not be forever."
Eighth, indeed you, if able to do business with each loving and kelemah lembutan, then do not do with the violence and abusive behavior. "People of Paradise are three: First, people who have the legal authority that is fair and bersodaqoh to poor people, always obedient to God. Second, a gentle heart and full of affection towards relatives. Third, people who hold sholeh himself from matters kharom, have a family, but love does not encourage the family to do the forbidden.
Ninth, you must be working seriously to reach for the light rakyatmu ways in accordance with sharia. "The best of my Ummah is the people who love you, and you love them. And a bad my Ummah is the people melaknat you, and you melaknat their "heat Messenger.
Tenth, do not search for a human light through the ways that contradict with sharia. Who are angry because of a violation of sharia, it is not good to bring danger. Mu'awiyah she write a letter to r.a. to provide advice with a brief advice. So, she wrote: I heard the Messenger of Allah said "Anyone who seek God's light, although the human tempered him, then God will Rida him, as will human Rida him. Anyone looking for people with light doors way of Allah, Allah will anger him, as all creatures will be angry to him. " Ten main Al-liters advice is advice for prospective leaders of the Garden.
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