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Kamis, 01 Januari 2009

Help Drugs Through Jordan to Palestinian Charity

JAKARTA, THURSDAY - Help two tons of drugs from the government of Indonesia will be channeled to the Palestinian effort to enter without restriction. One of the organization to negotiate with a potentially large obtain permission from Israel to deliver humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip.

Alternative aid distribution will be done through the property of the kingdom of Jordan Charity Jordan. Based on the latest information from the Indonesian consulate in Amman, Jordan, which have already have access to and obtain the consent of Israel is a humanitarian organization is.

"We are deliberate mechanism for licensing and technical assistance from Brazil that come in," said Head of the Crisis Control Center (PPK) Ministry of Health (MOH) from S Rustam Pakaya in Jakarta on Thursday (1 / 1). It was raised when asked about the development of new preparation assistance to the Palestinians, with the Indonesian team is scheduled to depart early on the evening later, as much at 22.00.

Rustam disclosed, people who become victims of Palestinian attacks the Israeli aggression continues memborbardir of Gaza has now flee to the border in Amman, especially at the edges West Jordan river. According to him, all the humanitarian aid to the Palestinians through the entrance of Jordan can only be entered with the consent of Israel.

'Because Indonesia does not have diplomatic relations, the access log in to send the aid of drugs that must be attempted through the institutions that already have access to, and that Jordan is Charity, "he said. So far, after mengkomunikasikannya with the social institutions of the Jordan, he said, there is optimism because Israel has shown "green signal" to permit the assistance of drugs from the government of Indonesia.

However, he said, because the aid of drugs from India that are categorized as "non-emergency", the procedures that must pass is that assistance must be in Amman Airport during the first three days for inspection, after the votes and then problems can not enter. Because the procedures and pengaktegoriannya authorities determined there would not be the mechanism of the us, because the main goal is help the medicines can be up to.

Help medicines from the Indonesian government is ready to be sent to Palestine increased from the original Rp 2 billion or as much 200 thousand U.S. dollars, to be more or less-Rp10 billion or 1 million U.S. dollars. This is, according to Rustam, after the meeting on Monday (29/12) between the Palestinian delegation to Indonesia in Indonesia. Indonesia's present is S Rustam Pakaya, the Director of the Middle East department of foreign affairs Aidil Chandra Salim, M. Kom, presidium Medical Emergency Rescue Committee (MER-C), from Joserizal Journalist, Spot, who met with Ambassador (Dubes) Palestine to Indonesia Fariz Mehdawi.
In the meeting, the Palestinian Dubes explain that there are approximately 1,300 more victims who are injured need medical help.

"Conditions are quite apprehensive. From about 1300, more victims of an injury, there is an 800-person critical, while the hospital (RS), which is in Gaza with only three beds is limited, so that the Palestinians need is help the health service, "he said. In this situation now, he said, Palestinians still need an approximately 300-car ambulan, while the existing 60 ambulance only.

On that occasion, Dubes Palestinian Fariz Mehdawi also revealed an urgent need that must be fulfilled immediately anesthesia among doctors, medical equipment, pasok medicine and food and tents. After the meeting, S Rustam Pakaya next report the conditions that have to Menkes Siti Fadilah Supari, who then give directions to explore the preparation for the Field Hospital volunteers Indonesia, including from the NGO.

Concerning the health sector aid donated in the name of the Indonesian government, among pasok medicines made in two tons worth as much more-less Rp300 million. Meanwhile, cash worth Rp10 billion will be used for the procurement of drugs to be purchased in Egypt. Help the government of Indonesia, he said, was the form of peryataan President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said that the Indonesian nation and people will continue to support the struggle of the Palestinian nation and defend the rights

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