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Jumat, 02 Januari 2009

State of emergency in Gaza critical

UN warns that the Palestinian residents in Gaza mengadahapi food crisis and the severe health, while Israel continues air attacks entered the seventh day. "Emergency situation" that occurred despite increased delivery of humanitarian aid, said Maxwell Gaylard, head of the UN aid coordinator for the region. UN believes at least 100 of 400 people who died as a result of Palestinian actions as far as Israel is the civilians.

Israel says Gaza residents are still receiving enough food aid and medicines. Through a statement, Israeli foreign ministry said since the beginning of military operations of Israel, as many as 335 trucks containing humanitarian aid sent to Gaza. Israeli Foreign Ministry revealed the institute in cooperation with various international organizations in Gaza, including various government "to assess the humanitarian needs" and provide the necessary response.

All reports indicate that there are food and medicines needed in Gaza, said the statement. Maxwell Gaylard from the UN, said: "It is correct supplies into the Gaza Strip, possibly more than the previous weeks! A renowned international foundation, Oxfam, which runs a program in Gaza, warned that each day the situation worse ", while clean water, fuel and food is very poor. According to Oxfam, hospitals have been unable to accommodate the victims, and reported that the sewage overflow into the streets in some areas.

Israel strengthen control over what can enter and exit from the point that many patantai that after Hamas, elected in the general election, taking territory from Fatah troops 18 months ago. Since the United Nations to reveal the infrastructure of the poor, also with the various basic services, with 80 percent of the 1.4 million population can not meet the needs of their own.

'Tacit support'

Pelestina five people including three children, died as a result of air attacks marystrokes new. Israel Defense Force, attacked lecih from 500 target Hamas in Gaza since the military operation began. According to the UN, until now, about 2,000 Palestinian residents suffered injuries. Militant Palestinians still continue to unleash attacks, shoot more than 60 rocket within 24 hours. Four people injured in the city of Ashkelon, southern Israel. Four citizens of Israel killed as a result of rocket attacks that are prevented by Israel. Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United States, Condollezza Rice, called to be held 'long-term truce that can survive' - the armistice will not allow the occurrence of the status quo, 'which gave Hamas the opportunity to continue rocket attacks to outside Gaza. Kim Ghatas BBC journalist in Washington has not said clearly what is meant by Rice with 'armistice that can survive it, and how to reach it.

But this was shown by many circles as a tacit support given by Washington to Israel to continue military operations launched as many as possible. Meanwhile, thousands of Palestinian residents in the West Bank, participated in a demonstration Friday after feeling invocation Hamas to show furor over the attacks against Israel Gaza. The journalists said The sense of directing their ire not only to Israel but also against various government and the Arab leaders themselves did not stop the attacks because Israel. Demonstration also be launched in the entire Middle East region and in several countries in Asia, including Australia and Kenya.

Action protests launched after an Israeli air attacks strike home Nizar Rayan, a Hamas pemimpim who refused to shrink, menewaskannya and several members of his family. In a separate development, around a hundred people of foreign passport holders, especially women who are married to people Pelestina, and their children, allowed Israel to leave Gaza. BBC journalist in the Middle East, Jeremy Bowen, said during a one-week bombardment that Israel was not successful to stop Hamas rocket fire, and Israel must now decide whether to call up whether to mobilize troops land. Israel does not allow international journalists to enter Gaza, despite the Supreme Court to allow journalists into the region in limited numbers.

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