KUALA LUMPUR, SATURDAY - Assistant household origin of Tegal, Suaenah (33), will receive insurance money of Rp112 million ringgit, or 35,000 accidents, said the president of the Association of Foreign Agency Assistant house (Celebrated) Malaysia Zulkepley Dahalan."If the agencies that are not members Celebrated, the victim only received 25,000 ringgit but because the agency Celebrated members will receive 35,000 ringgit. Sunday Suaenah front of the insurance money will be provided through the Embassy," said Zulkepley Dahalan in Kuala Lumpur, Saturday.
Suaenah, domestic origin Tegal, died due to landslides, which destroy 14 bungalow in Taman Bukit Mewah, Hill Antarbangsa, Selangor, on Saturday (6 / 12) at around 04.00 dinihari.This disaster swallowing four people died ie Shaiful Special Shahrudin (20), veterinarian Dr. S Yogeswari (40), accountant Ng Yee Peng, (40) and the factotum home Indonesian citizens, Suaenah (33).
Gen. landslides that attract Malaysian PM Abdullah Badawi and Deputy PM Najib Tun Razak that direct review.Suaenah working since August 2008 by a local resident named Datuk Farid Ungku Abdul Rahman. It was distributed by agencies MNK Sdn Bhd (Malaysia), Celebrated members, and one of the members PJTKIs.Cadaver Suaenah have been sent home to their families in Tegal, Central Java, last Wednesday.
Suaenah, domestic origin Tegal, died due to landslides, which destroy 14 bungalow in Taman Bukit Mewah, Hill Antarbangsa, Selangor, on Saturday (6 / 12) at around 04.00 dinihari.This disaster swallowing four people died ie Shaiful Special Shahrudin (20), veterinarian Dr. S Yogeswari (40), accountant Ng Yee Peng, (40) and the factotum home Indonesian citizens, Suaenah (33).
Gen. landslides that attract Malaysian PM Abdullah Badawi and Deputy PM Najib Tun Razak that direct review.Suaenah working since August 2008 by a local resident named Datuk Farid Ungku Abdul Rahman. It was distributed by agencies MNK Sdn Bhd (Malaysia), Celebrated members, and one of the members PJTKIs.Cadaver Suaenah have been sent home to their families in Tegal, Central Java, last Wednesday.
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