Tehran - Iranian Health Minister Kamran Baqeri Lankarani said, more than 1,000 medical workers, both doctors and nurses, volunteers ready to become Gaza Strip. "More than 1,000 doctors and nurses have signed up for diberangkatkan to Gaza," Lankarani said, as quoted Press TV on Wednesday (31/12/2008). He added the hospital to both governments and the private sector is also ready to accommodate residents of Gaza injured, if the Egypt-Gaza border at Rafah open.
Lankarani also expressed the government is sending a letter to other countries since 45 days ago. It contains information on the humanitarian krisi that is happening in Gaza. Israel has memblokade perbatasannya with Gaza since a few months ago. Since then, as many as 1.5 million residents lack food, medicines and fuel.
Iran has set up its own 2,000 tons of food, fuel, medicines through the border between Egypt.
Hamas representative Abu Osama Abdul Moti said, residents of Gaza need 700 trucks of food and medicines. However, on Monday this week, 17 new trucks that enter. Until now, citizens have been 386 Palestinians killed and 1,800 others were seriously injured.
Lankarani also expressed the government is sending a letter to other countries since 45 days ago. It contains information on the humanitarian krisi that is happening in Gaza. Israel has memblokade perbatasannya with Gaza since a few months ago. Since then, as many as 1.5 million residents lack food, medicines and fuel.
Iran has set up its own 2,000 tons of food, fuel, medicines through the border between Egypt.
Hamas representative Abu Osama Abdul Moti said, residents of Gaza need 700 trucks of food and medicines. However, on Monday this week, 17 new trucks that enter. Until now, citizens have been 386 Palestinians killed and 1,800 others were seriously injured.
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