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Rabu, 10 Desember 2008

Ali Alatas, Indonesian diplomat dies

Jakarta, Former foreign minister Ali Alatas close in age Mount Elizabeth Hospital of Singapore at 07.30 WIB. Ali Alatas is one of the powerful U.S. diplomats, other than the late Adam Malik. I wonder if Ali Alatas until the end of its lifetime still trusted by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) anggotan into consideration the President of the Board (Wantimpres) field of international relations. Ali Alatas, because the cell handalnya, as the lion dijuluki old Indonesian diplomat. He was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs (1987-1999) in four kabinat and had been nominated to become Secretary General of the United Nations by a number of Asian countries in 1996. During more than two decades, Alex (name call) showed class as a retired diplomat.

In his boyhood dreams of becoming a lawyer. Alumni of the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia 1956, the birth of Jakarta is 4 November 1932, left a career as a diplomat since the age of 22 years old. Shortly after the marriage, he initiated the task diplomatnya as the Second Secretary of the Indonesian Embassy in Bangkok (1956-1960). Previously, he was in the world of journalism as a proofreader Daily Niewsgierf (1952-1952) and the Office of News editor Aneta (1953-1954).

After serving in the Republic of Indonesia Embassy Bangkok, he then became Director for Cultural Relations and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1965-1966). Then he was assigned Councilor the Indonesian Embassy in Washington (1966-1970). Back again to the land of water, served for the Director of Culture (1970-1972), Secretary of the Directorate General of Political Department of Foreign Affairs (1972-1975) and Chief of Staff Ali and Private Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs (1975-1976).
Then, he was believed to be run as a diplomatic mission to The Permanent Representative at the UN, Geneva (1976-1978). Back again to the motherland, the Secretary served the Vice President (1978-1982). Then, the ability diplomasinya tested again by taking a job as the Permanent Representative of Indonesia at the United Nations, New York (1983-1987). After that, he served trusted Minister of Foreign Affairs (1987-1999) in the four-time cabinet Soeharto and Habibie Government.
When appointed Permanent Representative of Indonesia at the United Nations (UN), he must face criticism about the various problems of East Timor. Moreover, the incidence of broken Santa Cruz which dozens of people on 12 November 1991, he was deft to muffle the world's ire.

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