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Rabu, 10 Desember 2008

Obama Blagojevich requested resign

United States President-elect Barack Obama urged the governor of the state Illinois, Rod Blagojevich, to resign.Blagojevich are accused of selling a senate seat left Obama. BBC journalist in Washington James Coomerasamy report Obama add long list of parties requesting the Illinois governor resign.Obama spokesman, Robert Gibb, said President-elect concurred that, "In a situation like this is difficult for Blagojevich to perform the task effectively."

Special election

He added the state legislative council should consider rolling out the special election to replace Blagojevich.
Blagojevich on Tuesday arrested and released with a guarantee.Blagojevich on Tuesday that attendance in court in Chicago to face allegations that he sell the senate seat left Obama, to the highest bidder.

On Wednesday morning, he celebrated its return back to the year-52.As governor, he has the sole authority to appoint the new Illinois senator.Blagojevich lawyers assert that Blagojevich is not a criminal action and does not plan to resign.

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